How do I create my website?

We have a number of action plans to help you create your website: 

If you want to create your website with WordPress, we recommend using the Launch Your WP Website action plan from our guest expert Nicole Sauk.

If you want to create your website with Squarespace, we recommend using Set Up Shop (Module 3) for help. There’s also a help article linked from Squarespace that you may find useful.

If the building of your website is not your goal rather how to write copy (words) for your website then we recommend this action plan Write Your Website

Additionally, we would encourage you to work through Lilah Higgins Brand Your Business action plan to learn how to build a cohesive brand for your business. Set Up Shop (Module 3) also goes deeper into branding and website creation.

Again, here are the action plans directly related to the website:

If you do not want to build the website yourself but would rather hire someone to create it for you, let us know and we’d be happy to offer some recommendations for that as well. 

Additional resources:

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