When are the Startup Society events?
Here is a list of our current events:
- SS orientation (monthly): 10:30-11am PT or 5:30-6pm PT
- Wednesday mastermind (weekly): 4:30-5:15am PT
- Wednesday co-working (weekly): 5:15-7am PT
- Thursday mastermind (weekly): 9-9:45am PT
- Thursday co-working (weekly): 9:45am-12pm PT
- You’ll also periodically find different training or coaching sessions on the calendar
You can find the Startup Society live events calendar in a couple of different places.
First, they are listed inside the Slack community in the #announcements-and-events channel.
You can also locate the full calendar of events from the events page on the Startup Society dashboard. This will list our next training sessions, hot seat coaching, masterminds, and co-working sessions.
You can join the live event directly by clicking on the link inside the calendar on the events page:
You can also add the Startup Society events calendar to your preferred calendar here: https://www.addevent.com/calendar/uG632645
Video Walkthrough: